Setup Invoice and Email Template

Topics for setup Invoice and email template:



  • From MANAGE YOUR STORE (DASHBOARD), go to SETTING then go to EMAIL page.


Logo For Email & Invoice

  • By default all the email sent out to customers will use the logo of the website.
  • If the logo on the website is unsuitable, e.g. logo is pure white, you can upload the logo that is used specifically for Email & Invoice.


Order Confirmation Email / Invoice Template

This will be the email template used to send to customer upon order confirmation.

  • [Email Subject] - This will be the email subject.
  • [Invoice Body Template] - The email body that send out during order confirmation.

You can use the VARIABLE in both Email Subject and Invoice Body Template to personalize the email. Refer to the following link for links to reference of the variable.


Email Notification Templates

You may setup email templates for various order status. Email will be sent out automatically when the order status is changed.


To enable the notifications for the order status, click on the order status name to expand the settings section

  • [Enable Email Notification] - You need to check this Checkbox to enable the notification.
  • [Subject] - Email subject.
  • [Email Body] - Email content. You can use the variable for both Email Subject and Email Body field.